Many of our open pharmacist positions offer sign-on bonuses to qualified pharmacists. Some of these positions come with acceptance terms, such as pharmacy practice in a particular geographic area. Most of our pharmacist sign on bonus plans require at least a one year commitment, some require more. All terms are usually subject to negotiation. Example of signing bonuses for our actual pharmacist placements include several $15,000 bonuses for a one year commitment, a $30,000 bonus for a 5 year commitment, and a $5000 bonus for a 6 month contract. We have also placed several pharmacists in positions with clients that have signing bonuses that we are not at contractual liberty to disclose. Many pharmacists have inquired about the million dollar bonus program that one of the large chains is rumored to offer with a seven year commitment. From what we know, the "million dollar sign-on bonus" is not that much more than what pharmacists would already make under normal circumstances (without signing away seven years of their lives). The actual wording of that chain's agreement does not promise a sign-on bonus of one million dollars, what the contract does is guarantee that over the course of the contract period (7 years in this case), the pharmacist will earn at least one million dollars - if the pharmacist meets the terms of the contract. One million dollars over 7 years averages out to $142857.14 per year, which is a pretty good salary - but keep in mind, average starting salaries of pharmacists are already over $100,000 - 7 years ago they were some 40% less. Do you want to sell the next 7 years of your life is a position you hate, in a geographic area that is subject the absolute will of the chain, and without the ability to renegotiate your contract if salaries rise or your job title drastically changes? Always ask these questions before your sign a lengthy employment contract. It is our contention that under normal circumstances, a starting pharmacist will make over one million dollars in seven years without having to sign a seven year contract. With the current salary increases that the marketplace dictates, and the ability of starting pharmacists to advance in their profession through promotions (whether with their original company or with another), one million dollars in salary is an easily attainable goal over a seven year period. We believe that if pharmacists play the job market smart, a seven year salary of over one million dollars is almost guaranteed. At Rx Recruiters, we are always looking to place pharmacists who desire a happy, fun, fulfilling, and exciting life. We strive to place our fellow pharmacists in once in a lifetime opportunities. Send us your resume and a brief e-mail (tprice@rxrecruiters.com) detailing what kind of career in which you may be interested, we will evaluate your resume and experience, and try to match you with a position that meets your specifics. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN AN GREAT PHARMACIST JOB, OR ANY PHARMACIST POSITION WITH A SIGN-ON BONUS, SEE OUR PHARMACY JOBS EMPLOYMENT BOARD AND SUBMIT A RESUME TO OUR PHARMACIST JOB MATCH DATABASE If you are a pharmacist employer, pharmacist recruiter, or a pharmacist recruiting agency, please e-mail us at tprice @ rxrecruiters.com for information on filling your open pharmacist positions. We provide full-time pharmacists nationwide on a split fee basis. Rx Recruiters specializes in recruiting high quality licensed pharmacists that are ready to fill your open pharmacist positions. Employers, our pharmacy recruiting rates may be comparable to what you pay your own employees for referrals. Please visit our website at www.rxrecruiters.com for more information on full time professional pharmacist placement and recruiting solutions. Our sole focus is pharmacist recruiting. We are pharmacist owned and operated! |